Sunday, October 20, 2013

The raw dump...

...Struggled to allow my pen to flow and got stuck during session requiring another to get to the initial ending.

Wishes Come True

Looking back I savor the moment before it all changed.  Such simple words I never would have guessed how they could be twisted.  The party was momentous with our close friends there to celebrate our lives and watch as Andy gave me such a precious gift:  a pendant of two single stem red roses delicately intertwined.  My breath had caught when I opened it.  I had only mentioned it once and yet he had remembered all these years.   I love single roses and told him so during one of our many romantic dates.  However, I prefer to always receive two roses for nothing is or should be alone.  A rose always needs its rose.  

Holding that pendant in my hand now brings tears to my eyes.  I need my rose and I’m not sure when I’ll get it back now.  This weird twist.

Simple words.  A simple wish for each.  We had both smiled like young kids at one another as our friends cheered us on shouting “maybe this will be the year they come true”.   Giggling, we turned to our respective cakes and blew.  The shimmering I had felt inside I thought was for the love I felt for the man standing next to me and the joy of celebrating our birthdays with friends.  I didn’t know it meant the magic was doing its dance to bring my simple words to light.

The rest of that weekend continued in bliss with Andy and I lazily lounging on each other, reading, writing, teasing and just plain giddy with life.  It was the next day that changed it all.

Steve joining me on the elevator remarked,  “You seem especially bright today.”

“Hey Steve.  I’m feeling especially bright today.”

“Excellent.  I think we can build on that for you.”

“Oh” was all I managed as my stomach summer-salted.

“How about joining me in my office after you set your things down?”

“Ok.”  My next brilliant response.

Seated in the plush chair across from Steve, my foot wiggles side to side fingers joining in silent rhythm.

Nodding to my dancing limbs, Steve placed a hand on my arm, “This is good news.  Something I know you’ve been working towards since you joined our boutique ten years ago.”

My limbs went completely still.
I whispered, “You mean New York?”

“I do.  They called yesterday.”

“Oh my god!” no longer in stunned silence I grabbed Steve into a bear hug.  “I don’t know what to say.  I’ve been dreaming of New York for what seems like forever!”

“I know.  This is your big shot.  They want you there in thirty days.  Here’s an outline of the offer including relocation assistance and a little extra to help entice Andy’s support.”

Across town Andy was having a similar moment.  The unbelievable offer of his career being presented to him.  Including thirty days to move to San Francisco.

That began our twelve months of bittersweet.  Thriving careers.  Doing our dream.  Wishes coming true.  Except for a very key element:  each other.  

Denial became a big theme.  We made it an adventure for awhile.  Communicating in new ways.  Figuring out how to share our experiences from a distance.  Stretching our imagination to create long distance picnics and romantic dates that included empty miles between us.  

Time removed denial.  Bittersweet was staring at us squarely in our eyes.  The inevitable question aching in our hearts.  Who would give up their career job to be with the other?  Or would we give up each other for our career job?

Another year.  Another grand celebration of our birthdays.  But this time, the smiles a little more forced as bittersweet rubbed into the fabric of our relationship.  Facing our cakes, making our wish, sealing with a kiss.

Today, I stand in disbelief.  Wishes coming true.  Yet again.  Yet again, we didn’t discuss beforehand.   Each hearing from our bosses what we wished for…

“Andy, great news!  We are transferring you to New York.”

“Helen, wonderful news!  We are transferring you to San Francisco.”

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